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Heinz Dürr Award: Nokera project | Category: Sustainability

Norbert Ketterer had a vision: He wanted to build the world’s largest factory in which sustainable housing would literally roll off the production line.

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On the path to industrial production

Producing more and more efficiently: SCHULER Consulting supports the Schütt company in production and process optimisation.

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色彩丰富、用途广泛、效率高 - 美国制造商将生产效率提高了40%以上

总部位于印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯的美国制造商Creative Works,致力于创造令人难忘的回忆。从沉浸式的室内游戏,如激光枪战、密室逃脱和黑光迷你高尔夫,到广阔的VR体验,Creative Works的产品组合是老少皆宜的创意乐园。在舒乐咨询的客户中,Creative Works无疑是 "异类 "之一。但是,一旦你能将目光从黑光中的彩色涂鸦移开,你就会看到一个成熟的生产过程和“正常”的问题。在一个联合项目中,舒乐咨询公司开发了新的生产流程.

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Colourful, versatile and highly efficient!

US manufacturer "Creative Works" increases its productivity by more than 40 percent through cooperation with SCHULER Consulting.

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Digital Value Stream Optimization at Burger Küchen

Full transparency about your value stream and intralogistics

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How to capture production data digitally | Digital Value Stream Optimization | SCHULER Consulting

We digitise your value stream! Find out here how we do it.

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Heinz Dürr Award 2020: Digital Value Stream Optimization

SCHULER Consulting wins in the category "innovation".

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