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Building the future: How will construction processes change?

How are digitalisation and automation changing the construction process? What challenges does the industry face? And what opportunities is sustainable construction offering? Find out more in the interview with our consulting experts!

  • Zukunft bauen - mit der richtigen Strategie und der Unterstützung von SCHULER Consulting
  • Unsere Experten Volker Jahnel (links), Christoph Jost (mitte) im Gespräch mit Moderator Arndt Schmöle (rechts) auf der digitalen Ligna.In 2021.
  • Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen: Das Interview mit unseren Experten wurde für die digitale Ligna.In 2021 aufgezeichnet.

Christoph Jost and Volker Jahnel answer these and many other questions in the following interview. The interview was recorded as part of the Ligna Innovation Network 2021. Go directly to the interview.

Timber construction is booming - are you ready?

"We are seeing in timber construction that the industry is now industrialising and growing enormously. Everywhere we look, we see change - and that is a good sign! The market and politicians have recognised the immense potential of sustainable construction. Now it's time to be prepared for the big upswing that can already be seen today." - Christoph Jost, Team Leader Construction & Solid Wood

"We have known the industry for over 65 years, understand our craft and yours. With our know-how, we bring timber builders - and also all those who are now new to the industry - forward. The building process will change: Digitalisation and automation play a central role in this. If you want to be competitive tomorrow, you have to think about your future today. And we are here to help you do that!" - Volker Jahnel, Senior Manager Europe

To the interviewWatch the full video here!

Are you looking for the right strategy for your success in timber construction? Then visit us at the WEINMANN.Treff from 17-19 November in St. Johann-Lonsingen.

Register now: WEINMANN Treff | SCHULER (


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