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Everything at a glance — including rework!

Digital job folder: Record rework with just two clicks!

  • In production, you can record your post-production jobs with just two clicks!
    In production, you can record your post-production jobs with just two clicks!
  • The employee in work preparation is automatically notified and can continue processing the post-production job directly.
    The employee in work preparation is automatically notified and can continue processing the post-production job directly.

Having a large number of jobs also means a large number of components that pass through several stations within production every day. As a result, it is quite conceivable that a component could be accidentally damaged and require rework. Rework often leads to longer waiting times, increased material consumption that has not been recorded and delays because ongoing jobs are interrupted. In addition, many companies are asking themselves the following question: How can rework be incorporated into the production process in a controlled manner without generating a lot of extra work?

productionManager solves precisely these challenges in no time at all and ensures organized processes for your rework.

Organized rework of components

In the productionManager digital job folder you can not only manage your jobs and track their progress in real time, but also record your rework components — in no time at all!

The components requiring post-production are recorded directly in production and appear automatically in the work preparation area of productionManager. The digital job folder offers you flexible options for this process: Record the component by scanning it and send it straight away or add additional information, such as the reason for the error, photos and additional comments or attachments in the form of documents, to ensure fast and targeted processing of rework. You can select the error category that applies from existing error categories.

Another plus point is that there is also the option of notifying the relevant employee in work preparation directly. The employee then receives a corresponding notification in the app and can continue processing the rework. The production employee can also be notified and can see the status of the components that they have reported.

Fast and controlled thanks to digital communication channels

Since rework is recorded and processed digitally, communication runs smoothly and requires no manual intermediate steps. This means that rework can be integrated back into the production process quickly and in a controlled manner. This means that you can track the status of your rework jobs at any time in the job progress section of productionManager and view jobs in production. 

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Further Information

More about the topic rework!
productionManager: The digital job folder brings transparency to the workshop
Apps and digital assistants for the workshop

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