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"Networked workshop" technology day: A close look at digitalization in woodworking shops!

Everyone is talking about digitalization in woodworking shops — but what's the best way to start this transformation in your own company? This question was answered during the "Networked workshop" technology day. Many participants attended the event on February 22, 2024 in the showroom at Schopfloch to experience the diversity and continuous use of the digital solutions live on site.

The motto: Networked and practice-oriented

Practical demonstrations gave participants the opportunity to experience HOMAG's digital product range live in action and to decide for themselves at which production stations digital support would be useful in their own company. From work preparation to machine feedback, every single step was shown and explained firsthand. Starting with the design of a cabinet in the SmartWOP CAD/CAM system and the job entry in the digital job folder, through cutting optimization in intelliDivide and the management of edge and material stock, right up to component labeling, feedback on the component status and job tracking in real time, the participants were able to gain a deep insight into the digital world. 

By experts, for experts

It was not only the live demonstrations that were a hit: The visit from our reference customers Mario Esch, Philipp Schuon and Benjamin Löw—who told the interested parties firsthand about their personal experiences with the digital products and answered questions diligently—was also a real highlight and enabled an open exchange among fellow carpenters.

Facing the future together

The technology day was rounded off by exciting insights into future developments and ideas for expanding the digital solutions. The participants had plenty of opportunity to express their own opinions and even agree on which of the topics presented were personally important to them.

Exciting conversations and delicious food in a relaxed atmosphere ensured the perfect conclusion to the event.


Thank you to everyone who attended and we are already looking forward to the next event!

Are you interested in a live demonstration to learn about the digital products firsthand? If so, please feel free to contact your sales representative directly or contact us using the form below!

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HOMAG Technology Days

Schopfloch | Holzbronn | Herzebrock, Germany

4 Events

2024/02/22 - 2024/05/15

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