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Optimizing timber construction production processes based on data

Optimizing production processes in timber construction based on data to achieve higher productivity and manufacturing efficiency may seem complicated at first glance, but it can be simpler than you think - with the Digital Value Stream Optimization from SCHULER Consulting.

  • Exemplary positioning of a Bluetooth beacon in the production process
    Exemplary positioning of a Bluetooth beacon in the production process

The technical basis for the digital capture of value streams in manufacturing is formed by low-energy beacons that record data and transmit it via Bluetooth. These beacons can, on the one hand, record the duration and cycle time of specific processing steps (e.g. machine cutting) and, on the other hand, display the location of, for example, material carts through indoor localization.

The beacons can be installed, for example, in a door or window opening of wall elements. This allows the dwell times of individual work steps in the manufacturing process to be assigned. These data can be supplemented by simple recordings of process times on mobile devices to obtain a more comprehensive picture.

SCHULER offers extensive evaluation options based on this data, which can be individualized according to customer requirements and the demands of the respective manufacturing process. After an initial setup, customers can then independently keep an even closer eye on their production in this way.

For a more comprehensive picture, beacon data can be supplemented with machine-specific data (e.g. MDE) and data from upstream processes (e.g. ERP).

Our customers often combine this data-based evaluation with further consulting from SCHULER. For example, customers can discuss optimization potentials in the production process based on the data together with our consultants, implement them, and track their effects based on real data. This allows for step-by-step improvements to be made and verified. In this way, efficiency in production can be increased, leading to cost savings and reduced lead times.

Here is a summary of the opportunities of digital value streams:

  • Making production and wall manufacturing visible
  • Recording dwell times of wall elements
  • Recording processing and cycle times at rafter tables, bridges, and insulation locations
  • Viewing production progress and evaluations live on production dashboards
  • Improving processes based on real data from production
  • Obtaining more precise planning foundations and target times through analysis of historical data

Have we piqued your interest? Feel free to contact us for a free consultation and together we can explore how we can support you.

Article by Bastian Schulz, Manager at SCHULER Consulting.

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